About bad years
The age of unlucky years is also the time when life reaches a turning point physically, family environment, and socially.
In that year, when the unlucky year is approaching, we visit the shrine to ward off evil in order to protect ourselves from disaster with the protection of the Great God.
Originally, the unlucky year is considered to be a sunny age, just like the 61st birthday (61st birthday) and 70th birthday (70th birthday), which celebrate longevity. I'm here.
Today, the fact that many disasters occur is emphasized, but it is still considered important as one of the rites of passage in life, along with Shichi-go-san, coming-of-age ceremonies, and New Year's celebrations.
*For the prayer at the head of the shrine, we try to serve one group at a time. (Excluding New Year and Setsubun)
*Please contact us by phone in advance and make a reservation so as not to overlap with other worshipers.
2023 list of unlucky years

Born in 2000
year before a critical age
Born in 1983
41 years old
Born in 1964
60 years old
Born in 1999
25 years old
main evil
Born in 1982
42 years old
Born in 1963
61 years old
Born in 1998
26 years old
Born in 1981
43 years old
Born in 1962
62 years old

Born in 2006
Eighteen years old
year before a critical age
Born in 1992
32 years old
Born in 1988
36 years old
Born in 2005
19 years old
main evil
Born in 1991
33 years old
Born in 1987
37 years old
Born in 2004
Born in 1990
34 years old
Born in 1986
38 years old
*In addition, the year of man and woman (the year of the tiger) is also an unlucky year.
Yakuharai firstfruits fee 5,000 yen
Family prayer 500 yen per person