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Annual events

Jan. 1
New year's festival
Jan. 7
Koshinsatu-shono festival (Dondo-yaki) (New year's bonfire))
Feb. 3
Setsubun festival (End of winter)
Mid Mar.
Kinen festival (Prayer service for good crops)
Jun. 6
Hot spring thanksgiving & Yutaka-inari Shrine Annual Festival
Festival in presence of Yunokawa Onsen Birthplace Monument
Late Jul.
Memorial service for the Monument in memory of martyrs from Yunokawa.
Sep. 7.8.9
annual festival
Yoimiya Festival (7th) Main Festival/Mikoshi Passing (8th) Naorai Festival (9th)
Sep. 20
Hiyoshi Shrine annual festival
Nov. 23
Harvest festival
Dec. 31
New year's eve festival

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